How to Get Dog Poop Out of Carpet

get dog pee smell out of carpet

Having a dog in your home brings joy and unconditional love, but it also introduces challenges like dealing with dog pee on carpets. Tackling fresh dog urine stains quickly is crucial; blot up as much urine as possible using a dry towel. For more stubborn cases, like old pee stains or dried dog pee, a homemade vinegar solution—mixing vinegar and baking soda—can be effective. This mixture helps to eliminate odors and pet urine stains. For tougher stains, enzymatic cleaners are a great option, specifically designed to break down urine molecules and are pet safe.

In cases where the odor lingers or stubborn dog pee stains persist, using a wet vac or steam cleaners can be more effective. They help to remove as much moisture as possible from the soiled area, reducing the risk of permanent stains. Remember, alongside these cleaning methods, consistent potty training and a regular cleaning routine are essential in keeping your home carpet odor free and comfortable for both you and your pet.

Safety Precautions When Cleaning Up After Your Dog

  • Wear Gloves: Always use gloves when cleaning dog poop and dog urine to avoid contact with harmful pathogens.
  • Hand Washing: Thoroughly wash your hands with soap after cleanup to remove any urine odor or contaminants.
  • Proper Waste Disposal: Securely dispose of the waste in a separate garbage bag to contain lingering smells and prevent leaks.
  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals: For your pet’s safety, do not use products containing ammonia, chlorine, or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).
  • Test Cleaning Solutions: Before applying vinegar mixture, enzymatic cleaner, or other solutions to dog urine stains or cat urine, test on a small carpet area and wait until it dries completely.
  • Non-Toxic Solutions: Opt for safe, non-toxic solutions like vinegar mixed with cool water or a blend of vinegar and baking soda for effective odor elimination.
  • Machine Washable Items: Use a pet safe detergent for washing items like a dog’s bed and ensure they are allowed to dry completely.
  • Application Time: Let cleaning solutions sit for an effective duration to fight odors and tackle stubborn pee stains.
  • Undiluted Vinegar for Tough Stains: If a stain persists, consider using undiluted vinegar or seek professional cleaning services, especially for dried urine stains.

Remember, these steps are crucial to ensure both your and your pet’s safety while maintaining a clean and odor-free home environment.

How to Get Dog Poop Out of Carpet

get dog poop smell out of carpet

Step 1

To clean dog poop, start with picking up the solid poo with a few paper towels or a bunch of toilet paper by lifting it upward. Avoid rubbing or pushing the dog poop further into the carpet fibres when attempting to remove it.

Step 2

Dispose of the dog poop and papers immediately by transferring them to a garbage bag. Wash your gloves and hands with soap after

Make a DIY carpet cleaning solution of warm water and washing detergent; keep it mild by adding roughly 5-10 drops to 1 cup of water.

Step 3

Make a DIY carpet cleaning solution of warm water and washing detergent; keep it mild by adding roughly 5-10 drops to 1 cup of water.

Step 4

Take a clean sponge or white, absorbent cloth, soak it in the carpet cleaner, and squeeze out the excess water. Wipe the area to remove any remnants of the dog poop. Again, do this carefully to avoid rubbing any bits into the carpet. Rinse the cleaning tool and continue wiping.

Step 5

Gently blot with toilet paper to absorb excess moisture, and spray with a disinfectant. Allow the carpet to dry.

How to Remove Dog Diarrhea From Carpets

resting dog on carpet

Step 1

Put a barricade around the dog poop to prevent anyone from stepping into it, and allow the diarrhea to dry.

Step 2

After the diarrhea has dried, remove the dried bits by lifting with paper towels. You can also use a designated dustpan to scoop up the poop. Dustpans make good scraping tools too, provided that you do not use too much force.

Step 3

After removing the dried dog poop, vacuum over the area.

Step 4

Make a carpet stain remover with water and distilled white vinegar (1:1 or a more diluted ratio of vinegar if the stain isn’t too severe), and spray over the area. Use paper towels to blot the water off, and repeat until the dog poo stain is removed. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing techniques at all costs as this will only spread and push the stain further into the carpet.

Step 5

To remove dog poop odor from your carpet, wait for the carpet to dry, and then sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the area; use a carpet brush or old toothbrush to work it into the fibers for best results. After a few hours, vacuum up the baking soda.

Step 6

After you clean dog poop from your carpet, spray a disinfectant over the area and allow it to air-dry.

How to Get Fresh Dog Urine Out of a Carpet

dog playing ball

Step 1

Place an absorbent dry cloth or paper towels over the wee, and press down gently with your hands or feet to absorb as much liquid as possible.

Step 2

Rinse the area with clean water using a spray bottle, and blot dry.

Step 3

Sprinkle baking soda onto the damp patch, enough to cover it. Leave it to sit and absorb the moisture and dog urine smell for several hours or overnight.

Step 4

Vacuum the affected area to remove all the traces of the baking soda. This will help deodorize the carpet.

How to Get Dried Dog Urine & Poop Stains Out From Carpet

playing dogs

While the methods above will clean and deodorize the carpet, and take care of mild pet waste stains left by an “accident” from your pooch, there are times when you will be dealing with stubborn or older pet stains that don’t come out as easily.

Below, we have two effective ways to remove dog urine and dog poop stains from a carpet.

The Vinegar Method

Step 1

Make a spray of 1 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 cup warm water, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir it well to combine the ingredients before pouring it into the bottle.

Step 2

Spray liberally on the stained area (after blotting away the wee or removing the solid poop), and make sure it reaches all the affected fibers of the carpet.

Step 3

Use a soft bristle brush to gently work the solution into the fibers using circular motions. Start from the end of the stain and work your way inward.

Step 4

Blot with a cloth or paper towel to lift the stain, and allow the area to air-dry.

Step 5

Vacuum up residue from the cleaning solution to finish off.

The Hydrogen Peroxide Method

One crucial component of cleaning dog wee (which contains uric acid) is to use a bio based or enzymatic odor neutralizer spray. If the vinegar method above does not work sufficiently, you can try using hydrogen peroxide together with baking soda which will kill bacteria, absorb smells, and break down carpet stains caused by dog mess.

Step 1

Sprinkle generous amounts of baking soda on the stained area.

Step 2

Mix ½ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2 cups of water, and (for extra cleaning strength) a teaspoon of clear dishwashing liquid. Add these to a spray bottle and shake well to combine.

Step 3

Spray over the affected area that’s covered in baking soda without saturating the carpet. That said, be sure to cover all the affected carpet fibers to remove the pet stain in its entirety.

Step 4

After the bubbling dies down, use a soft bristle brush and work the solution into the carpet.

Step 5

Allow the combination to dry for 1 – 2 hours, and then vacuum the carpet.

3 Ways to Eliminate Dog Pee Smell From Your Entire Carpet 

(If you cannot locate where the odor is coming from)

dog stretching

  1. Use an Enzyme Cleaner 

These enzyme-based carpet cleaners are excellent for breaking down the molecules of the pee stain and effectively remove odors. They not only tackle the fresh dog urine stain but also ensure the area becomes completely dry. Read and follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions to clean your carpet with the commercial product of your choice, ensuring the removal of both pet pee and dog pee smells.

  1. Use Baking Soda

For a more natural approach, liberally sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet (you might need a box or two). This is particularly effective for fresh urine stains and acts as an odor eliminator. After 6 to 8 hours, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. The baking soda will have absorbed the dog urine smell, leaving your carpet fresh.

  1. Use a Carpet Cleaning Machine

If the above methods don’t fully eliminate dog pee odors or urine stains, consider renting a carpet cleaning machine. This machine flushes out dirt from carpets using steam and water, tackling both pet odors and residues. It’s advisable to use a damp towel to blot any excess water and let it sit until the carpet is completely dry. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for using the machine. Cleaning the whole room, and perhaps other rooms, is recommended while you have the machine at your disposal.

Tips to Help Avoid Pet Waste on Carpets

  • Recognize Your Dog’s Signals: Identify the signs for when your dog needs to relieve themselves and take them out immediately. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the chances of having to get dog pee out of your carpet.
  • Addressing Repeat Incidents: If your dog repeatedly goes in the same place, it might indicate that the previous cleaning wasn’t thorough, or there’s a lingering urine smell attracting them. Ensure to effectively get dog pee smell out of the carpet to avoid repeat incidents.
  • Using a UV Black Light Flashlight: To track down previous messes that are invisible to the naked eye, use a UV black light flashlight. In the dark, this tool will highlight pet urine stains, helping you to address them efficiently with an enzymatic cleaner.
  • Health Check-Ups: If your dog is frequently relieving themselves indoors, consider more frequent toilet breaks or a potential health issue. A vet visit is advisable if this becomes a concern.
  • Use Enzymatic Spray: After cleaning and drying the area where your dog urinated, apply a pet stain enzymatic spray. This helps break down the urine smell and discourages your dog from re-marking the same spot.
  • Keep Cleaning Tools Ready: Maintain easy access to your toilet cleaning tools and equipment. This ensures you can tackle the clean-up quickly, minimizing the chance of a pee stain setting into the carpet fibers.


As a pet owner, you have to accept the fact that accidents happen. Even toilet-trained pets can leave an unwanted gift on your carpet for some reason or the other. So, instead of wasting time in complaining, spring into action using all the tips above where suitable, and you won’t have much trouble to get dog pee or dog poo out of carpet!