Everything You Need to Know About Kitchen Degreasers

Kitchens are subject to all sorts of smudges, stains, and smells, so it’s understandable that you’ll carry many different types of soaps and degreasers, among other products, to keep the place clean. Well, that’s good! But you should also know that some of them are way more abrasive than others, and utilizing them properly is necessary if you don’t want to cause more damage than you’re fixing. How can you find all you need to know about them in one place?

Well, it’s your lucky day! This list compiles everything we know about kitchen cleaning products and how to use them safely and effectively. At the end of the day, they’re nothing more than tools, and using each of them for the right job will help you save on time and money, and to avoid more than a couple of unnecessary incidents. Also, when possible, we’ll tell you how to get their stains out of your clothes (hey, it happens!). Without further ado, let’s sort these products out.

Always test your product on hidden areas

Whenever you’re trying out a new degreaser or any other cleaning product at home, do so on an area that’s well ventilated but out of sight. This way you’ll be able to see how effective that particular product is, or if it has some undesirable side-effects, like lingering smells or corroding the materials it cleans. Of course, you should always follow the instructions on the label to get the best results and avoid putting anything in the house at risk.

Consider a DIY degreaser

Having a bottle of DIY degreaser at home does not necessarily mean that you’re completely over the regular stuff. You can have it as the first line of defense, so to speak, before you have to get the heavy duty stuff out. Anything from a simple mixture of baking soda and water for small stains up to more complex formulas that clean wooden surfaces are fair game, just remember to not go overboard with the strength of your ingredients; if you need more than three, maybe it’s better (and safer) if you just bust out the name-brand stuff.

Cream degreasers are your best weapon

Liquid degreasers will always have their place, but if you’re dealing with a tougher grease stain on the wall or a grease buildup anywhere else, such as an appliance, a cream-based degreaser is your best bet. This is because liquid degreasers will run off immediately after being applied, but cream-based ones are denser, and therefore stick around for much longer over the grease and working their magic underneath. Either way, along scrub, is ahead of you.

If you wanna go the DIY route for this, try using a once part vinegar to four parts water solution and let it stand on the affected area for about 10 minutes before scrubbing. You might have to repeat a couple of times if the stain is particularly old or big.

Can you use a degreaser on your clothes?

The short answer is “not if you want to keep wearing it.” The truth is that, while effective, most degreasers will royally mess up all sorts of fabrics they come in contact with, either by corroding it or eating away at the colors. Your safest option is to use a liquid dishwashing soap, and applying it over the stain while diluting a little with warm water. Gently but thoroughly rub the affected area with your fingers, trying to work as much of the soap into the fabric; if you’re lucky, you’ll start to see how the stain begins to dissolve.

If the fabric is particularly delicate and you’re not about to give up on it, you’ll have to act fast. First, you’ll have to soak up any excess oil with a paper towel, dabbing instead of rubbing (or you’ll make it worse). After that, you have two options.

Option one is to pour some cornstarch over the grease stain and let it absorb for an hour, then used a soft bristled brush or a suede brush over it. Then, using a microfiber cloth, dampen the area with some white vinegar and dab at it until it lifts.

Option two is to pour some baby powder or baking soda (or both) all over the area, then letting it sit overnight in a warm place. After that, brush it with the softest toothbrush you can find, and wash it as you normally would. Repeat if necessary.

Getting all those grease stains in your kitchen is possible, but it does take some intensive labor and a few different degreasers, each stronger than the next. If you don’t want to make your arms (or nose) go through all that, you’ll find that getting some outside help is usually a lifesaver in these situations!

Tags: commercial kitchen cleaning procedures, restaurant kitchen floor degreaser